How can we support you?
Our free, confidential helpline is available 24/7 to all teachers, lecturers and education staff in the UK.
We're here for you. Would it help to speak with someone confidentially?
Our free, confidential helpline is available 24/7 to all teachers, lecturers and education staff in the UK.
How are you feeling? This will help us find the right information for you.
Our friendly and experienced team is here to help you manage short-term money worries.
Here is some information you may find useful.
We're here to help. What kind of support do you need?
Can you tell us more? This will help us find the right information for you.
How are you feeling? This will help us find the right information for you.
Here is some information you may find useful.
Our friendly and experienced team is here to help you manage short-term money worries.
Here is some information you may find useful.
Our free, confidential helpline is available 24/7 to all teachers, lecturers and education staff in the UK.
Our friendly and experienced team is here to help you manage short-term money worries.
Staff health and wellbeing is so important. How can we help?
How can we help? This will help us find the right information for you.
Here is some information you may find useful.
Find out how we can help you support staff at your school or organisation.
Sign up for your free wellbeing toolkit, packed with helpful resources designed to make a meaningful difference to your staff’s wellbeing.