Get Involved
You can help teachers and education staff in crisis in lots of ways:
by donating, fundraising, leaving a gift in your Will, or by getting your company or organisation involved.

A growing number of people working in education are facing a crisis and urgently need your help. Join our community of givers supporting teachers and education staff in need.

Help us be there for teachers and education staff whenever they need support.

Our partnerships are important in helping us to support teachers and education staff in crisis. Find out more about the companies, trusts and foundations that we work with, or get in touch to speak to us about how your organisation can work with us.

If teaching is close to your heart, why not support the next generation of teachers and education staff by leaving a gift in your Will to Education Support?

There are many ways you can fundraise for us from taking in part in an organised sport event, organising your own walk, or tea party. We have lots of ideas to inspire you.

We are delighted to introduce our latest Education Supporter Magazine. Find out more about the people that you have helped and the exciting work that you are helping us to do.
82% of all teachers would describe themselves as stressed
60% of education professionals are not confident in disclosing stress or mental health issues to their employer
A group of ten brave and keen hikers led by myself and primary teacher Millie, took on the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge, raising vital funds to support our colleagues. It was tough, gruelling but also a lot of fun and all for a good cause.Mathew, Supply Teacher