Fundraise for Education Support

Thank you so much for supporting the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and education staff with Education Support! Each and every donation makes a big difference. 

Here are some really quick tips to help you reach your fundraising target, and some content to help inspire people to donate.

Quick tips for fundraising

  • Start with your top donors
    Who do you think is likely to donate generously to your page? Give them a ring or seek them out in person to tell them about your event and ask them to donate. You can even tell them you’re asking them first as you think they’ll be most generous.

    Asking in person makes people more likely to donate, and having the highest donations on your page early sets the bar high. All donors appreciate a personal thank you too!
  • Get started early
    People who start earlier tend to raise more as they generate more awareness of their event. Don’t worry about writing the perfect fundraising page – you can edit this as you go. Sharing updates about your preparation and training as you progress can be a great way to inspire donations.

    Having a public fundraising page is great way to motivate yourself through training and preparation too!
  • Share something after the event
    Don’t forget to prompt people when you’ve finished your event, like over WhatsApp, social media or work emails. Your keenest supporters might be inspired to give again and those who haven’t will appreciate the reminder.
    Sharing a photo along with thoughts or feelings about what the day was like for you will help your message stand out and inspire your donors.

For a great fundraising page

  • Add a fundraising target
  • Add a photo
  • Read these quick tips to help you write your fundraising page

Useful information about Education Support

Here are some stats, info and examples to help save you time.

  • Who we are
    Education Support are the only UK charity dedicated to supporting the mental health and wellbeing of teachers and education staff in schools, colleges and universities.
  • What we do
    Your donation will help fund a free 24/7 helpline and financial grants for educators in crises, help improve workplace culture across the sector with training and support, and Education Support’s work with policymakers to research and campaign to improve our education system.
  • Impact of our work
    In the last year:
  1. 7,163 people supported by our helpline
  2. 737 financial grants awarded
  3. 80,000 school and college staff reached
  4. 1,384 school leaders received professional supervision

Branded images

Education Support fundraiser image

Education Support fundraiser image

Education Support fundraiser image

Education Support fundraiser image

Example content

Here’s an example fundraising page from Charles Gilbank who is cycling 200 miles to raise money for teachers and education staff!

And here is an example social update: 

Example social media post from fundraiser

Please email or call 020 7697 2766 if we can help!

We’d love to see and share your posts if you tag us on social media.