How to leave a gift in your Will
Gifts in wills are hugely valuable to Education Support. Without them, we simply wouldn’t be able to provide the services we do, like our helpline which teachers and education staff can call whenever they urgently need help. We are hugely grateful for everyone who leaves us a gift in their will. If you choose to do so, we will make sure to use the funds as effectively as possible, transforming the education sector for teachers and students.
Why should I make a will?
A will is the only way of ensuring that your dependants are provided for in the way you wish after your death. If you die without a will, a court will appoint administrators to deal with the distribution of everything you own.
What about my loved ones?
The beauty of leaving a gift in your will to a charity is that you can make sure your friends and family are taken care of first. After them, you can then leave a donation to a charity you care about like Education Support.
What types of gifts are there?
There are two main types of gift that you can leave:
1. A percentage gift (also known as a residuary gift)
This is a gift of all or part of what is left of your estate after taxes and debts are paid and all your other legacies have been distributed – known as the ‘residue’.
Recommended wording:
I give % of the residue of my estate to the Trustees of Education Support (registered charity number 1161436) of 40A Drayton Park, London N5 1EW to apply for the benefit of the charity in such manner as they in their discretion think fit absolutely but not imposing any binding liability on the Trustees in this respect.
2. A cash gift (also known as a pecuniary gift)
This could be a specified sum of money or perhaps a specific item such as a gift of jewellery, stocks or property.
Recommended wording:
I give the sum of pounds (to be written in words)/ £ (in figures) to the Trustees of Education Support (registered charity number 1161436) of 40A Drayton Park, London N5 1EW to apply for the benefit of the charity in such manner as they in their discretion think fit absolutely but not imposing any binding liability on the Trustees in this respect.
What type of gift is best for Education Support?
A residuary gift is by far the most effective way of remembering us in your will because it ensures that the value of your gift is not affected by inflation and you don’t have to change your will if your circumstances change.
Why should I let you know my intentions?
You are under no obligation whatsoever, but if you let us know your intentions, we will be able to plan ahead and carry on providing support for teachers and education staff, with the confidence that we have funds in place to meet challenges that they may face in the future. We will thank you personally and keep you up-to-date with the vital work that is happening at Education Support.
How do you spend my money?
We do everything we can to make sure that any gift is spent on providing life-changing support to professionals working in education. We keep our fundraising costs to a minimum and you can be sure that your money will be spent wisely and according to your wishes.
How can I change my will?
Never write on your will, as that could invalidate it. If you are making major changes, you might need to write a new will. If you would like advice on how to make or change a will, please contact our Fundraising Team.
What about inheritance tax?
At the moment, if your estate is worth over £325,000, your loved ones could end up paying Inheritance Tax at 40%, meaning that they might receive less than you intended. By leaving a gift in your will to Education Support for the excess of your estate above £325,000, you can make sure your family receives the full amount intended to them.
What if I want to find out more?
We can send you more information about what a gift in your will could help to achieve. We also recommend speaking to a solicitor or a legal advisor. The Law Society can help you find a solicitor in your area. Please get in touch if you’d like to know more.
If you’d like to discuss leaving a gift in your will to Education Support, please contact our Fundraising Team.
Read this letter from Susan Hector, a retired teacher, explaining why she has chosen to leave this special gift to Education Support: