Rest up and reclaim your joy: reflecting on your academic year

Teachers and education staff, we want to help you pause and reconnect with the joy of teaching. Join our next webinar as we reflect on the past academic year to help you switch off over summer.

Events 27 June 2024 / 3 mins read

The end of term is near – which means the school holidays are coming!

How has this academic year been for you? Have you taken any time to reflect on your year and celebrate your wins?

We want to help you pause and reconnect with the joy of teaching.

Join our next webinar on 27 June at 4pm as we reflect on the past academic year.

We’ll cover:

  • taking time out to celebrate your successes*
  • key wellbeing learnings that can be carried into the new academic year
  • how to challenge perfectionism**
  • overcoming feelings of guilt

Chaired by our Director of Communications and Public Affairs, Gemma Scotcher, hear from our brilliant panellists:

  • Gemma Thurston, headteacher
  • Kemi Omijeh, therapist and clinical supervisor
  • Sheldon Stewart, SEND teacher and transitions coordinator

Thank you for all that you’ve done for education this year. Let us help you switch off over summer. See you on 27 June.


As a charity, we’re reliant on the generosity of great people who believe in our work, supporting teachers and school staff across the country. So we're kindly asking for a small, minimum donation amount of £1.00 for this webinar. You can increase this amount if you wish. For more information visit our event page on Eventbrite.

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