School leadership - how to thrive and flourish in complex times: interactive masterclass

An interactive masterclass looking at building healthier habits that will enhance your resilience and sustain you in the demanding role of school leadership.

Events 25 September 2024

Maggie will work with you to explore the complex world in which we live and lead, and help you tap into your own wisdom to cultivate 'leadership presence'.

She will look at how the last few years have bred understandable habits and ways of working in our schools that have kept leaders on 'constant high alert' that are hard to shift.

Topics covered in this masterclass include:

  • Ways of working that erode our wellbeing
  • How we can build healthier habits
  • Enhancing our resilience to help sustain us in the demanding role of school leadership
  • How we can stay balanced, calm and secure, even in the most turbulent of times
  • The importance of renewing and replenishing ourselves as leaders
  • The power of compassion and kindness as a 'change agent' in our schools and how wholehearted leadership is a 'super power'

Everyone who signs up and attends this workshop will receive a copy of Maggie's book 'Leading with Presence; it's an inside job,' published in 2022 by Cadogan Press.

Who should attend?

This masterclass is for school leaders and line managers in Wales.

Sign up

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About Maggie  

Maggie has worked in senior leadership positions in schools and local authorities in both London and Birmingham. She was the Director for Leadership Development, Research and Succession Planning at the National College for School Leadership in England and interim Chief Executive.

She has been instrumental in the development of a school led self improving system in England and has led the design and development of leadership programmes that support the growth of system leadership and the development of cluster based collaborative approaches to school improvement.  She has also supported the development of the National Academy of Educational Leadership in Wales, with particular reference to their leadership wellbeing strategy. She is also a leadership coach to a number of leaders and senior leadership teams.

Maggie works with leaders on strengthening their leadership and supporting their own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. This has included fostering practices that reduce stress, anxiety and overwhelm and increase effectiveness and resilience through the practice of compassionate leadership.

She is a Trustee of L.E.A.D. Academy Trust in England and The Story Museum, Oxford; a museum dedicated to the power of story to change lives. She was awarded the CBE for services to Education in 2014.