Wellbeing Network for Schools in Wales

We provide a termly networking opportunity for schools to come together to share, discuss, learn and reflect about staff wellbeing in their school. A combination of practical tools and ideas to use in your school, knowledge of mental health and wellbeing as well as a good opportunity to discuss and share good practice.


Events 09 July 2024

We provide a termly networking opportunity for schools to come together to share, discuss, learn and reflect about staff wellbeing in their school. A combination of practical tools and ideas to use in your school, knowledge of mental health and wellbeing as well as a good opportunity to discuss and share good practice.

Join our regional Staff Wellbeing Advisors and a range of schools around Wales to talk wellbeing.

Theme for this session 

School’s Out For Summer: Let’s Celebrate!

This terms focus will be on how to prioritise self-care this summer and reflecting on staff wellbeing this last academic year.

During the session we will:

  • Share some top tips on how to switch off this summer – putting down your whiteboard pens and getting those sun glasses on!
  • Provide you with the opportunity to share summer break reflections and what you will prioritise during this time for YOU.
  • Celebrate all the great things that have had a positive impact on staff wellbeing this year in your school. Please come to the session with at least one example to share.
  • Encourage each other to set a wellbeing goal for the next academic year. What do you want to do for staff wellbeing in your school?
  • Most importantly, begin to switch off and release those shoulders because school is ‘almost’ out for summer!

This session is intended to be as interactive as possible and the purpose is to actively share, learn and network across schools. For that reason, if possible please could cameras be on and ideally you should be in an environment where you can share and communicate effectively during the session.

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