Setting boundaries: a guide for staff in schools
Without boundaries, being open and available can quickly turn you into being overwhelmed and overworked. Read our guide for tips for school staff to set and keep clear boundaries.
Guides / 1 min read

Learning how to set and keep clear boundaries is an essential part of working in a school.
School staff are caring and conscientious, so it can be easy to end up saying yes to every request. Is this always in your best interest?
To be the best for your students, you need to be the best you. That won’t happen without setting boundaries to help you find a healthy balance which includes professional performance you can be proud of, plus self-care to avoid stress and burnout.
It can be challenging to say no if you aren’t used to it. Yet learning to say no in the right way, is a vital part of being a good teacher and maintaining your own wellbeing. The same goes for those working in support roles. By defining what we can and cannot do, we protect our energy so we can be effective when we are most needed. Without boundaries, being open and available can quickly turn you into being overwhelmed and overworked. Schools must remember that all school staff need boundaries, not least because their time and energy has such a direct impact on students.
Remember, just because schools in the UK are under significant pressure, doesn’t mean staff must be too.
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