The Mental Health and Wellbeing of School Business Leaders

Education Mutual and Education Support have come together to improve our understanding of the wellbeing needs of School Business Leaders.

Research / 2 mins read

Schools run better when their entire staff community is healthy and fulfilled. School Business Leaders (SBLs) are no different, and they play an essential – but often unnoticed – role in the smooth running of schools. Yet, despite their central role in school life, and the increased interest in staff wellbeing following the Covid-19 pandemic, research relating to this group of staff is limited.

Education Mutual and Education Support have partnered to change this, and improve our collective understanding of the role of SBLs working in state-funded primary, secondary and special schools in England and Wales.

The research investigates what aspects of their jobs affects their mental health and wellbeing including:

  • The types of mental health and wellbeing support available in schools
  • Which services are used by SBLs
  • Which services are perceived to have the most benefit in tackling work related issues
  • How the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the mental health and wellbeing of SBLs

The main findings of the report include:

  • 48% of SBLs considered excessive workload as the main work-related factor impacting their mental health and wellbeing
  • 81% of SBLs told us their school supported their employees well
  • 39% of SBLs said colleagues had a lack of understanding of their role
  • 27% felt isolated in their role

Download the report below.

Our research

Teacher Wellbeing Index
Literature review
Employee Assistance Programme
Employee Assistance Programme
Professional supervision
Professional supervision