Financial support
We know the cost of living crisis is having a big impact on many people working in education.
Our financial grants service supports you with essential living costs.
Currently our grant programmes are on pause. This page will be updated when the programmes re-open at 1pm on April 1st 2025.
Our helpline is here for you if you need to talk. You can speak to qualified counsellors, completely confidentially, 24/7 on 08000 562 561.
There are organisations providing funds and sources of support. Please find a comprehensive list below.
Be aware that some of these organisations are also facing overwhelming demand.
If you are a member of a union do make contact with them as most unions have a financial assistance grant programme similar to ours and you might be eligible for this.
Financial support
- Turn2Us - turn2us.org.uk
Provide information on organisation that can offer financial support. Could apply to other funders using non-educational work history or your partner/spouse’s work history. This website also provide guides on benefits and other useful information. - EntitledTo - entitledto.co.uk
Offer a benefits calculator to find out what what benefits you might be entitled to and how to apply for them. - Mind - mind.org.uk/information-support/helplines/
They provide a Welfare Benefits Line, to assist individuals who have mental health issues and need help with applying for benefits, the number is 0300 222 5782 – the line is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. It can also help with benefits appeals.
Money advice
- Stepchange debt advice - stepchange.org
- Christians Against Poverty - capuk.org
- Debt Advice Foundation - debtadvicefoundation.org
Utility arrears
- Most utility suppliers have their own fund where they can provide grants to their customers who are in arrears. Please check their websites.
- Charis - charisgrants.com/individuals/ work on behalf of major companies who provide financial support, administrating their funds.
- Local Household Support Fund - gov.uk/cost-living-help-local-council
This is open to anyone who is vulnerable or cannot pay for essentials such as food and utility costs. You do not have to be getting benefits to get help from your local council. If you get benefits, they will not be affected if you get a payment from a Household Support Fund scheme.
Housing advice
Shelter – www.shelter.org.uk provide advice to tenants in all areas of housing; do contact them if you need some housing advice and information.
- In England – 0808 800 4444 (free) open from 8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 5pm weekends and bank holidays. Local offices: england.shelter.org.uk/get_help/local_services
- In Scotland – 0808 800 4444 (free)open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
- Cymru -08000 495 495, open 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
- Northern Ireland - 028 90247752
- Foodbanks (nationwide) - trusselltrust.org
- London - cityharvest.org.uk
Domestic abuse
- Women’s Aid (nationwide) - womensaid.org.uk
- Solace Women’s Aid (London) - solacewomensaid.org
- Victim Support - victimsupport.org.uk

Don’t wait for a crisis to call.
We’ll offer you immediate, emotional support.
08000 562 561